This game is distributed as shareware. In case of trouble, feel free to contact us.
*** Note *** This game is PowerPC only right now. It *will* work on older macs as well, really soon.. as soon as someone (like, for instance, got his 68k libs fixed. A week he says *shrugs*
Yes, it's a game. A maths game, to be precise. Basically, you get a lot of tiles of a certain shapes, with certain values. If two values (the one you're placing and the one already on the board) overlaps, the values are added to each other. If the result of that is greater than the 'swap value' of the level you're playing, it reverts to 0+(the sum - the swap value). If you find this hard to comprehend, try playing it, it's a lot easier to learn it that way.
Use ESC-key(escape) to hide/show menubar.
We reckon either you'll play this once, say 'piece of crap' and bin it, or actually like it. It's a bit of 'training' before some really serious stuff we're working on..
Means that if you play it, more than checking out what it is (more than ten days of 'checking out' will give you a BAAAD consience), you should pay the shareware fee. Our shareware payment is handled by Kagi, please use the enclosed application "Register" for registration. As an extra boon, paying for this game will give you discounts on upcoming releases. Next in line is a car racing game, for you curious people. Check out for details.
The full version of Swap 'em Over contains a Hiscore list, 37 more levels, bonus levels, 5 sound-tracks.
Dont worry, we've tried it on various machines, and it didnt crash a single one. If it crashes yours, it might be an extension or something, but bottom line - it shouldnt crash. So, there shouldnt be any trouble.
We'll try to provide support for everyone, but of course we'll be more encouraged if you have paid us first.
Legal Mumbo Jumbo™
This game is provided 'as is'. Which means, you cannot hold neither Claes Jacobsson nor Sevensquare responsible even if it crashes your HD, fries your motherboard, kidnaps your floppy drive, or otherwise causes any trouble. Of course, we try to keep it from doing above said things, this disclaimer is just here to make sure noone will sue our.. er.. yeah, you know what we mean ; )
Payment, addresses, and other stuff..
For general stuff, questions and other things:
Kinmanssonsvägen 56
S-129 38 Hägersten
Register this way:
Run the enclosed "Register" program. Fill out the stuff and either print it or copy it. Send in the form.
Email: <>
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-8H
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
Check <> for more information about the registration process.